Oh what a glorious week it has been at Nature's Classroom Institute and Montessori School! Every day of the week our students found a way to celebrate and enjoy and care for the Earth even more than they usually do. The Adolescent classroom had worked with Mr. Geoffrey to conduct a controlled burn - a sure sign to the younger students the Spring was around the corner, even if the temperatures did not always validate that. The Elementary and Children's House students used the ash from the burn in artistic ways while they have watched in awe over the week as to how quickly the new grass has grown.
The Adolescent students also worked with Mr. Geoffrey to repair all the fencing at the farm, and moved some structures around to better ensure the health and safety of the animals and birds there. Over the week, the students have taken long hikes, walked in the creek that flows through the school grounds, caught crayfish, observed a tired and hot snapping turtle make its way from the creek to the pond, learned about tropical frogs from Professor Rick Boyd, looked from a top of a hill over as far as their eyes could see and realize that all of that, every bit of that was their school, rolled down hills, cleared the grounds of litter, had a whole-school community lunch, flown kites, started work on a new tepee...
And then the icing on the cake! On Saturday, the school hosted Earth Day Workday. This is when families of the school come with extended family members, sometimes even neighbors, bringing tools and gadgets to help clear the school grounds of buckthorn, dead trees, clear trails...everyone pitching in to make the school even more beautiful, while caring for the Earth.
This year, we inaugurated the Earth Day Outdoor Art Workshop. Under the guidance of Mr. John Grundman, an Elementary School Art teacher at the Mukwonago School District, we were able to do something we have long wanted to. Despite the cold, damp weather, snow and even hail, with Mr. Grundman's energy and expertise, and the help of parents, adolescent students and alumni, a magnificent and memorable morning was had by all - bringing so much joy to the children who attended.